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Get a glimpse of the stars at Glendoveer Golf Course

Metro Parks and Nature invites the community to a free, family-friendly night of stargazing on the green.

Two silhouetted figures stand next to a telescope that's pointed up toward a dark blue dusk sky.

Parking is free and Glendoveer Golf Course is also served by TriMet’s Bus Line 25.

Photo courtesy of Metro

Not everyone has access to a telescope to see the wonders of outer space up close, so Metro Parks and Nature wants to make that sense of wonderment more accessible.

On Friday, Sept. 27, there will be a free, family-friendly Star Party at Glendoveer Golf Course from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Rose City Astronomers will be on the green, helping point out celestial sights like Saturn, the Ring Nebula in the Lyra constellation, and the double star Albireo in the Cygnus constellation. Attendees can also enjoy hot cocoa and campfire treats.

For those who need assistance, golf carts will be available to carry people to the darkest part of the fairway, where tall trees help block out ambient light pollution. To create the best viewing conditions, Metro will have red cellophane to cover any flashlights or headlamps too.

Just cross your fingers for clear skies — heavy rain will cancel the event. Keep an eye on the calendar for updates.