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Come on, dish: Which Portland restaurant do you miss the most?

We want to know — which Rose City restaurant or meal sparks nostalgia in your heart and belly, and why?

The exterior view of Pok Pok shows a few people milling around three green and yellow patio umbrellas and a folding street sign advertising the restaurant.

Pok Pok, and its James Beard Award-winning Thai street food, were among Portland’s many pandemic-related restaurant casualties.

Photo by Paul Lowry

We have some amazing restaurants in our city, and we love highlighting new culinary gems at PDXtoday. But there have also been so many great, local restaurants that have closed over the years (Toro Bravo, we miss you) — and sometimes, we get a little hankering for a meal from a place that no longer exists. Sigh.

This got us thinking about the local restaurants from yesteryear that make our readers feel that same nostalgia — the spots that would be your go-to choices for dining out if they were still around.

Personally, if we had a time machine, we’d head straight to Pok Pok for the fish sauce wings and never look back.

OK, your turn. Which Portland restaurant or meal would you give anything to eat one more time? Let us know and we may feature you in an upcoming newsletter.

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