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Do you believe in aliens, Portland?

Get ready for an out-of-this-world experience at Area 51 Encounter.

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a gif featuring images from the Area 51 Encounter

Prepare to surround yourself with the history and mysteries of non-human visitors to our planet.

Photos courtesy of Area 51 Encounter; GIF by PDXtoday

You’re not alone if you believe in extraterrestrials. More than two-thirds of Americans believe intelligent lifeforms from space exist.

That percentage is about to increase in Portland when close encounters of the fun kind arrive in the heart of the city on Wednesday, July 3.

More than just an exhibit, Area 51 Encounter is designed to pique the interest and curiosities of earthlings of all ages and tap into Portland’s fascination with extraterrestrial life — offering a unique experience for Oregon residents.

Guests will grab their boarding passes and launch themselves into seven galleries, where they can explore everything from life on an alien spacecraft to reproduced alien artifacts, an alien laser hunter game, and a VR station.

The exhibit is open daily: Sunday-Thursday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday-Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Pro tip: Snag early bird pricing now through Sunday, June 16. Regular price admission starts Monday, June 17.

Buy tickets.

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