PDXtoday news quiz: August 2023

How well did you pay attention to the headlines that appeared in our newsletters?

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August was hot off the press.

Photo by @kexportland

Okay, PDXtoday readers, let’s test your memory skills.

We bring you roughly seven news notes each day, which amounts to nearly 150 pieces of news every month. Can you remember the stories we shared in August?

If you...

☀️ melted in the heat

🎭 are plugged in to the theater scene

🍽️ have been looking for a reservation for months

... then we’re expecting high marks.

Show off your skills by taking our news quiz — we’ll give high-scorers a shoutout in an upcoming newsletter.

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Cambrie is a born-and-raised Oregonian who worked at a Portland TV news station before helping launch PDXtoday in December 2021. She loves horseback riding, burying her nose in a fantasy book, traveling near and far + finding a good chai tea latte.