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Learn how to protect your home during Wildfire Preparedness Weekend

The Oregon State Fire Marshal and Portland Fire and Rescue will host the educational event at the World Forestry Center on Saturday, April 27-Sunday, April 28.

A demonstration table with small paper houses and flammable debris demonstrates how wildfires can threaten homes.

Demonstrations show the effectiveness of clearing brush to form a fire-resistant barrier around your home.

Photo by World Forestry Center

Today our skies are smoke free, but the threat of wildfires is always looming — it’s simply the reality of living in the Pacific Northwest.

As wildfire season starts to ramp up, the Oregon State Fire Marshal is partnering with Portland Fire and Rescue to host a free Wildfire Preparedness Weekend at the World Forestry Center’s Discovery Museum.

On Saturday, April 27-Sunday, April 28, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., attendees will learn how to reduce the risk of wildfires around their homes and communities by listening to expert speakers, interacting with exhibits, and participating in hands-on demonstrations. There will also be opportunities to get involved with protecting the forests around Oregon.